Salt Pan Fence / past / Port Hedland / 07.14 The Pilbara
Salt Pan Fence 2014
1.95 x 12.5 x 0.6m
Digital print on vinyl mesh, temporary fence system
Port Hedland, Western Australia

(Installation View) 2014
1.95 x 12.5 x 0.6m
Digital print on vinyl mesh, temporary fence system
Port Hedland, Western Australia

(Installation View) 2014
1.95 x 12.5 x 0.6m
Digital print on vinyl mesh, temporary fence system
Port Hedland, Western Australia

(Installation View) 2014
1.95 x 12.5 x 0.6m
Digital print on vinyl mesh, temporary fence system
Port Hedland, Western Australia

(Installation View) 2014
1.95 x 12.5 x 0.6m
Digital print on vinyl mesh, temporary fence system
Port Hedland, Western Australia

(Newspaper excerpt) 2014
Wednesday, 10th September 2014
North West Telegraph
Port Hedland, Western Australia

(Installation view prior to destruction) 2014
1.95 x 12.5 x 0.6m
Digital print on vinyl mesh, temporary fence system
Port Hedland, Western Australia
A temporary public intervention installed along the Rio Tinto Salt Mine drainage pond in Port Hedland, Western Australia. A 5 minute excerpt of the subsequent video work 'Salt Pan Fence' is shown downsampled to 1080p from 2160p (4K).