Prop Hide / past / Trinity Church / 06.14 Christchurch
Prop Hide (Hide) 2014
12m x 10m x 3.8m
Digital print on exterior of earthquake damage structure
Trinity Church, Cnr Manchester St and Worchester St, Christchurch, NZ

(Installation View) 2014
12m x 10m x 3.8m
Digital print on exterior of earthquake damaged structure
Trinity Church, Cnr Manchester St and Worchester St, Christchurch, NZ

(Installation View) 2014
12m x 10m x 3.8m
Digital print on exterior of earthquake damage structure
Trinity Church, Cnr Manchester St and Worchester St, Christchurch, NZ

(Installation View) 2014
11m x 10m x 1m
Digital print on exterior of earthquake damaged structure
Trinity Church, Cnr Manchester St and Worchester St, Christchurch, NZ

Prop Hide (Prop) 2014
11m x 10m x 1m
Digital print on exterior of earthquake damage structure
Trinity Church, Cnr Manchester St and Worchester St, Christchurch, NZ

(Installation View) 2014
11m x 10m x 1m
Digital print on exterior of earthquake damaged structure
Trinity Church, Cnr Manchester St and Worchester St, Christchurch, NZ
"Prop Hide" was a temporary public installation on the old Trinity Church building, an important Class 1 heritage building awaiting full restoration after sustaining significant damage in the Sept 2010 and Feb 2011 earthquakes. If the Christchurch Catherdral is demolished this will be oldest remaining stone building in the city.
Temporary ‘make secure’ structural supporting of heritage buildings around Christchurch’s CBD became a distinctive and familiar aesthetic. Five years on many of these frames still remain, now transitioning into semi-permanenence as private and public parties struggle to resolve the financial and engineering challenges of repair. The many hertiage buildings already demolished are hence invisible, their empty sites providing an open view to the few remaining structures and new construction underway.